- Bananaking baby closet童装铺订单一律款到发货!
- 所有的订单我们从客户提交订单的第二天起计算保留3天,请在这期间支付款项,逾期我们将自动取消该订单。
- 如有突发状况,请及时和我们联系。
- 请您在汇款后立即简讯至016-8886253或 019-8180184与我们进行确认!确认信息包括:(1) 汇款人姓名、(2) 汇款银行、(3) 汇款金额。
- 确认收到您的汇款后:1)若在当天中午12点之前汇款,商品将于当天寄出(不包括周末及公共假期);(2) 当天中午12点之后汇款,将于第二工作日寄出。(以帐户入帐时间为准)。
银行: Maybank Bhd
账户号码: 5110 3808 8023
户口名字: Susana Wong King Mee
- Items will be shipped out after full payment received.
- Payment must be made within 3 days after receiving order confirmation.
- Please alert us if you require additional time to do so.
- After you have made payment, kindly alert us via sms to 016-8886253 or 019-8180184, stating (1) Your name (2) Your bank (3) Total amount.
- Once payment has been made, the items will be sent to you on the next working day if payment received after 12pm. Otherwise items will be sent on the day (working day) if payment is made before 12pm.
Please make your payment to:
Bank Name: Maybank Bhd
A/C No: 5110 3808 8023
Name: Susana Wong King Mee
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