Wednesday, May 19, 2010

购物须知(Terms and Conditions)

  1. 所有商品之价格均以马币计算,且未附上邮资。邮费由客户支付。
  2. 所有商品价格已经是最低价,不议价。
  3. 所有订单一律“款到发货”!
  4. 客户请认真并清楚填写我们所要求的所有资料。如商品的尺码,颜色等。
  5. 由于各显示器不同而造成图片的颜色和实际商品会有轻微的色差,请客户考虑清楚后方下订单。
  6. 付款后若要取消订单,款项将不会被退还。
  7. Bananaking baby closet不接受以支票付款。
  8. 邮寄途中的一切损坏,本店一概不负责。
  9. 客户可混购“现货”和“预购”商品。若不急需,“现购“与”预购“商品将一并寄出,只需一次邮费。若急需,本店可先寄出“现购”商品,待“预购”商品到货了再寄送;但两次的邮资须由客户自行负担。客户若要求分两次寄送,请注明,否则本店将以一次寄送方式寄出。
  10. 本店有权在不另行通知下自行修改规则, 恕不通知。
  11. 一旦下单购物就表示买家以详细阅读并同意以上一切条规。

Terms and Conditions
  1. All mechandize quoted in Ringgit Malaysia, postage fee not included.
  2. All mechandize are sold best price, non-negotiable.
  3. All purchase orders are effected upon payment received.
  4. Customer has to fill up all required information such as measurement and colour.
  5. There might be some colour difference compare with actual merchandizes. Please consider before you place the order.
  6. No refund payment made.
  7. No cheque accepted.
  8. No indenmity against postage lost or damage.
  9. Customer can order currently available/advance payment merchandizes. If there is no time constraint, both orders will be filled in a single postage. Else, we will split the delivery, however, customer will have to bear postage fee for all deliveries. Kindly indicate clearly, we will deliver in a single postage by default.
  10. We reserve the right to change any regulation without informing.
  11. We assume all regulations are read and understood prior to any purchase.


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